Health Ministry Foundation

Lest We Forget

Meet the 27 Adventist Pioneers

In this book you will become acquainted with the life and experience of those who helped found the Adventist movement

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Year 1991

Introduction and Timeline

Vol. 1, No. 1 (PDF) Timeline (PDF)

The Importance of the Pioneers (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Seekers of His Glory. The Seventh-day Adventist Pioneers. Part 1 (Ray Foster) , page 1

Pioneer Wives (Joy Radzik and Frances Foster; based on Mrs. Jennie Ayars Kellogg’s account of “Growing up with the Third Angel’s Message”, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 112:15-20; April 11 to May 16, 1933.), page 2

See Jehovah’s Stately Steppings in the Sands of Time: The Pioneers, the 3 Angel’s Messages, the Doctrines, the Prophecies, and the Prophetic Gift (Arthur Mallon), page 4

26 Pioneer Timelines (Frances Foster), pages 3 & 6 (See the revised “27 Pioneers” Time Line which is updated from pages 3 & 6 in this issue. This is a tabloid, 11 inch by 17 inch PDF document. Last update 11 December 2013.)

William Miller

Vol. 1, No 2 (PDF) (HTML)

William Miller’s Dream (Early Writings, p. 48), page 1

Mrs. William Miller, The Forgotten Pioneer (Frances Foster), page 1

William Miller’s Rules of Bible Interpretation (pp. 20-24 Miller’s Works. Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology. Edited by Joshua Himes, 1842), page 3

Bible Study, Prophetic Interpretation and the Second Coming–The Story of Willam Miller (timeline and biographical sketch) (Ray Foster), page 4

Ellen White on William Miller (EW229-230), page 7

Letter to the Editor, page 8

Joseph Bates

Vol. 1, No. 3 (PDF) (HTML)

Seekers of His Glory. The Seventh-day Adventist Pioneers. Part 2 (Ray Foster), page 1

Mrs. Bates–A Prudent Wife (Frances Foster), page 1

Reflections on the Sabbath and Temperance; Two Foundation Practices Discovered and Shared by Captain Joseph Bates (Fred Bischoff), page 2

New Testament Seventh Day Sabbath (Joseph Bates; Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Vol. 1, No. 4, January 1851, Paris, Maine), page 3

Health Reforming Sea Captain Becomes Sabbath Reforming Adventist (timeline and biographical sketch; from Life of Bates, an autobiography edited by James White) (Ray Foster), page 4

George Storrs

Vol. 1, No. 4 (PDF) (HTML)

Seekers of His Glory. Who are the Pioneers? Part 3 (Ray Foster), page 1

George Storrs’ Mother (Joy Radzik), page 1

Oneness in Belief and Practice–Christ’s Heart Desire (Fred Bischoff), page 2

Storrs’ Six Sermons: Is There Immortality in Sin and Suffering? Sermon VI (Six Sermons on the Inquiry is there Immortality in Sin and Suffering? also, A Sermon on Christ The Life-Giver: or, The Faith of The Gospel, by George Storrs, Editor of Bible Examiner. New York, 1855), page 3

Three Ways to Approach Doctrinal Differences–The Story of George Storrs (timeline and biographical sketch; from a biographical sketch in Six Sermons by George Storrs, New York, 1855) (Ray Foster) , page 4

Year 1992

John Byington

Vol. 2, No. 1 (PDF) (HTML)

Godly Authority (Fred Bischoff), page 1

John Byington’s Family: Mary, Caroline, Catharine, Fletcher, Martha, Teresa, Luther, William (Frances Foster), page 2

John Byington: Pioneer, Minister, Writer, Husband, Father, Christian (J. Byington, Battle Creek, Michigan, Review and Herald, October 26, 1886, pp. 665-6), page 3

Premillenial Convictions (Review and Herald, January 25, 1887; John O. Waller, Review and Herald, December 13, 1979, pp. 10, 11), page 3

John Byington, Servant of Adventism (timeline and biographical sketch) (Arthur Corbett), page 4

Our Readers Write, page 6

Stephen Pierce

Vol. 2, No. 2 (PDF)

Looking at the Whole Truth (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Stephen Pierce–Mentioned in the Spirit of Prophecy, page 2

1 John 4:16–God is Love (Elder Stephen Pierce; Review and Herald, May 13, 1880, p. 309), page 3

Stephen Pierce… Hesitant. Helpful. (timeline and biographical sketch), page 4

Worldly and Heavenly Interests Contrasted (Stephen Pierce; Review and Herald, Sept. 26, 1871, p. 117), page 7

“Father Pierce” at the Sabbath Conferences (1 Selected Messages, p. 206), page 8

Elder Pierce on Wisdom (Review and Herald, Oct. 13, 1868, pp. 201-3), page 8

The Subtlest Way to Make the Testimonies of Non Effect (A. LeRoy Moore; June 9-15, 1992), Insert (PDF)

Charles Fitch

Vol. 2, No. 3 (PDF)

In That Day (Ray Foster), page 1

Zerviah Fitch (Marlene Steinweg), page 2

Sanctification–How I Came to Preach the Doctrine of Holiness (Charles Fitch, A Letter to Josiah Litch, on the Second Coming of Christ, p. 9-11, published by Elder J. V. Himes, 1841) page 3,

Charles Fitch (1804-1844) “The Man of the Chart” (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

One Precious Boon (Charles Fitch, Hymns and Tunes, p. 624, verses 1, 3, 4, 5), page 6

Write the Vision–Comments on the 1843 Chart (from The Keys to the Pioneer Charts, Lee Coleman), page 7

The Sabbath in the Setting of the Threefold Message (Francis D. Nichol; The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Centennial Special, 1844-1944. October 19, 1944, pp. 8-9, 64-66), Insert (PDF)

Joshua Himes

Vol. 2, No. 4 (PDF)

Empowered to Lighten the Earth (Ray Foster), page 1

Editorial Prowess (Comments from the preface to Vol. III of Miller’s Works, Boston, J. V. Himes, 1842), page 2

Scoffers Shall Come in the Last Days, page 2

Camp Meeting (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

Action and On a Large Scale and Without Delay–That was the Spirit of Joshua V. Himes (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Dear Brethren and Sisters, (N. Southard; The Midnight Cry, Vol. VII, No. 15, New York, Friday, October 11, 1844), page 8

Year 1993

Hiram Edson

Vol. 3, No. 1 (PDF) (HTML)

The Unique Pillar, page 1

The Voice of God (Marlene Steinweg), page 2

Get Ready (The Time of the End; Its Beginning, Progressive Events, and Final Termination, Hiram Edson, 1849, pp. 1, 14, 27), page 3

Hiram Edson–1806-1882–Chosen Instrument (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

E. G. W.’s First Sanctuary Vision, page 6

Rhodes’ Rescue (from Hiram Edson in Present Truth, November 26, 1849, written up by Arthur White, E. G. W., The Early Years, 1985, pp. 196-198), page 8

The Midnight Cry and the Sanctuary Doctrine (Ray Foster), Insert (PDF)

Samuel Snow

Vol. 3, No. 2 (PDF)

Behold The Bridegroom Cometh! (Marlene Steinweg), page 1

Wake Up the Mighty Men! (Fred Bischoff), page 2

The 7th Month–A Prophetic Chronology (Samuel S. Snow; The Midnight Cry, Sept. 19, 1844, p. 87), page 3

Readers’ Input, page 3

Samuel S. Snow–1806-1870–Modern Elijah? (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Leaders’ Reactions to the Seventh Month, page 6

Like a Tidal Wave (Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 398-401), page 8

William Farnsworth

Vol. 3, No. 3 (PDF)

Worthy of Honor (Dores Robinson; The Church Officers’ Gazette, May, 1944, p. 6), page 1

Inseparable: the Sabbath and the Sanctuary (W. A. Spicer, Review and Herald, Dec. 28, 1939, pp. 11, 12), page 2

Divinely Foretold Prophetic Work (F. D. Nichol, The Midnight Cry, 1944, p. 463), page 2

Peculiar Destiny (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

William Farnsworth–a True Pioneer–1807-1888 (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Over Shadowed (Ellen G. White, Early Writings, pp. 254-256), page 7

Unmasked! (Marlene Steinweg), page 8

Josiah Litch

Vol. 3, No. 4 (PDF)

A Remarkable Prophecy: Josiah Litch Predicts the Fall of the Ottoman Empire (Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p.. 334, 335), page 1

The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire–As Interpreted from Revelation 9 & History, by Josiah Litch (timeline), page 2

Triumvirate Leadership (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

Strategy for Evangelism (J. V. Himes & J. Litch, from F. D. Nichol, The Midnight Cry, 1944, pp. 86, 87), page 3

The Rise and Fall of Josiah Litch (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

One Great P. R. Man, page 6

Leaders Influence Miller Against Truth (Early Writings, p. 257), page 6

Holy Profession (Josiah Litch, Signs of the Times, January 1, 1841, p. 1), page 8

The Three Wo Trumpets. Wo! Wo!! Wo!!!–Fall of the Ottoman Empire, or Ottoman Supremacy Departed, August 11, 1840 (Josiah Litch; The Midnight Cry, Jan. 6, 1843, pp. 7-10), Insert A (PDF)

Spirit of Prophecy Statements Indicate Various Fulfillments of Prophecy (Ray Foster), Insert B (PDF)

Calendar Reform and the Prophecy of Revelation 9:15 (Marlene Steinweg), Insert C (PDF)

Year 1994

Rachel Oakes Preston

Vol. 4, No. 1 (PDF)

The Third Angel’s Message–The Sabbath and the Advent Experience (P. Gerard Damsteegt, Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, 1977, pp. 138-142), page 1

The Sabbath–Hope of Israel (T. M. Preble, Hope of Israel, Feb. 28, 1845), page 3

An Undaunted Woman–Rachel Oakes Preston, 1809-1868 (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Our Readers Write, page 6

A Brief History of Sabbathkeeping (C. M. Maxwell, Tell It to the World, 1977, pp. 67-73), page 7

The Great Question (Ellen G. White, Early Writings, pp. 32-34, 85, 86), page 8

Roswell F. Cottrell

Vol. 4, No. 2 (PDF)

“It’s Jewish” (Roswell F. Cottrell, Review and Herald, October 21, 1851; Raymond F. Cottrell), page 1

Making Us a Name (Fred Bischoff), page 2

The Three Persecuting Powers–The Dragon, The False Prophet, The Beast (Roswell F. Cottrell), page 3

Roswell Fenner Cottrell, 1814-1892 (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Indebted? (Kenneth A. Strand, The Sabbath in Scripture and History, 1982, p. 255), page 6

S. D. A. Church Organization–Why and How (Marlene Steinweg), page 8

Position of SDA Pioneers on “The Trinity” and “Godhead” (R. F. Cottrell, J. N. Loughborough, E. J. Waggoner, James White, Joseph Bates, E. G. White), Insert (PDF)

O. R. L. Crosier

Vol. 4, No. 3 (PDF)

Faultless Before the Presence of His Glory with Exceeding Joy (Ray Foster), page 1

The Sanctuary (O. R. L. Crosier, Review and Herald, May 5, 1851, pp. 78-80), page 3

O. R. L. Crosier, 1820-1913 (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Concepts Advanced in Crosier’s Article “The Law of Moses,” The Day-Star Extra, February 7, 1846 (Richard Swartz, Light Bearers to the Remnant, 1979, pp. 62, 63), page 6

A Masterly Argument (Joseph Marsh, The Voice of Truth, Nov. 27, 1844, pp. 174-175), page 7

The Scapegoat–Eight Reasons Given by O. R. L. Crosier for Rejecting the Popular View (L. E. Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. IV, 1954, pp. 1233-1234), page 8

J. H. Waggoner

Vol. 4, No. 4 (PDF)

Justification by Faith (J. H. Waggoner, The Atonement in the Light of Nature and Revelation, 1884, pp. 104-124), page 1

An Angel Intervenes (adapted from E. G. White, Life Sketches, 1915, pp. 153-154; A. L. White, E. G. W., The Early Years, 1985, pp. 294-297; J. N. Loughborough, Review and Herald, Jan. 27, 1885, pp. 57, 58), page 3

J. H. Waggoner, 1820-1889 (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Present Truth (J. H. Waggoner, Review and Herald, August 7, 1866, pp. 76, 77), page 6

Walking for God–Elder Waggoners Walks Ninety Miles on a Preaching Tour! (A. W. Spalding, Origin and History of the S. D. A. Church, 1961, pp. 258, 259), page 7

Doors (Ellen G. White, Early Writings, pp. 42, 43; Great Controversy, pp. 429-431), page 8

Year 1995

James and Ellen White

Vol. 5, No. 1-4

Vol. 5, No. 1 (PDF)
James and Ellen White (Editorial Committee), page 1

Questions, Posed by Dr. Ray Foster–Answered from the Writing of Elder James White, page 2

Ellen G. White–Answers, from Her Writings, to Questions About Her Childhood and Experiences in the Millerite Movement, as Posed by Mrs. Frances Foster, page 4

Rejected (Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, pp. 372, 376, 396, 608-610, 610; Testimonies, Vol. 9, p. 231), page 8

Vol. 5, No. 2 (PDF)

After October 22, 1844, page 1

A Unique Partnership (Richard Cooper), page 2

Her Husband’s Crown–What did James S. White Value in His Wife? (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

“The Best Man that Ever Trod Shoe Leather”–What Led Ellen White to Say This About Her Husband? (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Triumph Through Trial (Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 129, 130; Christ Object Lessons, p. 175; Testimonies, Vol. 1, pp. 706, 707), page 8

Vol. 5, No. 3 (PDF)

Qualified for the Job (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Streams of Light–The Publishing Work (Richard Cooper), page 3

James White–A Man of Action (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

When God Speaks, page 8

Ellen & James White Comment on The Battle for James’ Health, Insert (PDF)

Vol. 5, No. 4 (PDF)

A Messenger–Why? (Fred Bischoff), page 1

The Gospel of Health–A Practical Reality (Ray Foster), page 3

Life Experiences of Ellen G. White (Marlene Steinweg), page 6

Modern Science Agrees With the Messenger (Philip Steinweg), page 8

The Messenger in Vision–A Supernatural Manifestation of the Power of the Holy Spirit (S. D. A. Leaders), page 12

Year 1996

Merritt E. Cornell

Vol. 6, No. 1 (PDF)

The Law and the Testimony (Merritt E. Cornell, Review and herald, May 29, 1855), page 1

Spiritualism Spreading in Power (Merritt E. Cornell, Review and Herald, August 4, 1874, p. 61), page 2

Merritt E. Cornell–In the Spirit of Peter (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

Tent Evangelism (J. N. Loughborough, Miracles in My Life, pp. 37-39), page 6

Angeline–Pioneer Pattern for Today’s Pastor’s Assistant (Marlene Steinweg), page 7

Inspiring Poems (Angeline M. A. Lyon Cornell), page 8

J. N. Andrews

Vol. 6, No. 2 (PDF)

J. N. Andrews–In Defense of the Truth (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 1

A Gift to the World–John Nevins Andrews, His Work and its Value (Ray Foster), page 2

Andrews and His Family–Wholly Dedicated to the Lord (Frances Foster), page 6

The Blessed Hope–John Nevins Andrews, Pioneer Foreign Missionary (adapted from W. A. Spicer, Pioneers of the Advent Movement, 1941, pp. 202, 213, 214), page 8

George Amadon

Vol. 6, No. 3 (PDF)

An Ordinary Man? George Washington Amadon–Pioneer SDA Publishing Worker (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 1

An Extraordinary Woman: Martha Amadon–True Pioneer, and Faithful worker and Companion (Richard Hammond), page 2

Writing for the Instructor (adapted from George W. Amadon, Youth’s Instructor, June 1860, p. 45), page 6

Endorsements and Recommendations, page 7

Words of Wisdom (extracts of George W. Amadon), page 8

J. N. Loughborough

Vol. 6, No. 4 (PDF)

Faithful Eyewitness–John Norton Loughborough (Fred Bischoff), page 1

J. N. Loughborough–How a Dream Changed His Life (1832-1924) (timeline and biographical sketch) (Ray Foster), page 4

J. N. Loughborough and His Family (Frances Foster), page 8

Year 1997

Uriah Smith

Vol. 7, No. 1 (PDF)

Faithful Eyewitness–John Norton Loughborough (Fred Bischoff), page 1

J. N. Loughborough–How a Dream Changed His Life (1832-1924) (timeline and biographical sketch) (Ray Foster), page 4

J. N. Loughborough and His Family (Frances Foster), page 8

Stephen N. Haskell

Vol. 7, No. 2 (PDF)

Adventist Book Centers Begin: Stephen Nelson Haskell, “Father” of the Tract and Missionary Society (A. W. Spalding, Captains of the Host, 1949, pp. 411-415), page 1

South Lancaster Academy (S. N. Haskell, Review and Herald, March 11, 1884, p. 165), page 2

Stephen N. Haskell–a Pioneer in Missionary Promotion at Home and Abroad (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 3

God’s Bill of Fare (S. N. Haskell, Medical Evangelist, Nov.-Dec., 1922, p. 23), page 8

G. I. Butler

Vol. 7, No. 3 (PDF)

You may download a two-page timeline of Butler’s life.
G. I. Butler and Righteousness by Faith (Fred Bischoff), page 1

George Ide Butler–A Man of Influence (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 4

Admonished (E. G. White, 1888 Materials, pp. 190-194), page 8

Satisfied (G. I. Butler, Review and Herald, June 13, 1893, p. 377), page 8

Alonzo T. Jones

Vol. 7, No. 4 (PDF)

1888–The Minneapolis General Conference (Bruno W. Steinweg), page 1

A. T. Jones–Editor, Author, Preacher (timeline and biographical sketch) (Marlene Steinweg), page 8

Year 1998

A. T. Jones on The Faith of Jesus

Vol. 8, No. 1 (PDF)

The Faith of Jesus: Neglected Landmark–Core of the 1888 Message (Fred Bischoff, compiler), page 1

Elder A. T. Jones on the Faith of Jesus, page 8

The “Faith of Jesus” (A. T. Jones, The Great Nations of Today, 1901, pp. 225-234), Supplement (PDF)

Ellet J. Waggoner

Vol. 8, No. 2, 3

Vol. 8, No. 2 (PDF)

Ellet Joseph Waggoner Prior to 1888 (partial biographical sketch) (Richard Cooper), page 1

A Letter to Waggoner and Jones (Ellen G. White, 1888 Materials, pp. 23-27, 29-31), page 4

Time Line, page 7

Vol. 8, No. 3 (PDF)

The Rise and Decline of Ellet Joseph Waggoner (Richard Hammond), page 1

Ellen G. White Reports on the Minneapolis Conference (Selected Messages, Vol. 3, pp. 174-177, 181, 182), page 4

Ellet J. Waggoner on The Faith of Jesus

Vol. 8, No. 4 (PDF)

The Faith of Jesus: Neglected Landmark–Core of the 1888 Message (from the Writings of E. J. Waggoner), page 1

The Special Work of A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner (extracts of Ellen G. White), page 8

Year 1999

Ellen White on the 1888 Messengers

Vol. 9, No. 1 (PDF)

Part 1 (Alonzo T. Jones and Dr. Ellet J. Waggoner)

A Most Precious Message and its Messengers–What of the Messengers?, page 1

Vol. 9, No. 2 (PDF)

Part 2

A Most Precious Message and its Messengers–What of the Messengers? Part 2, page 1

Vol. 9, No. 3 (PDF)

Part 3

A Most Precious Message and its Messengers–What of the Messengers? Part 3, page 1

Ellen White on the 1888 Message

Vol. 9, No. 4 (PDF)

A Most Precious Message and its Messengers–What of the Message?, page 1

Year 2000

William Warren Prescott

Vol. 10, No. 1 (PDF)

Part 1

W. W. Prescott–Messenger of God’s Invitation, “Come, for all things are now ready…” (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Timeline: Birth-1897, page 3

GC Session Presentations, page 5

Report on the Bible in Education at Battle Creek College, page 6

Ellen White at the Armadale Campmeeting, page 7

Vol. 10, No. 2 (PDF)

Part 2

W. W. Prescott, Part 2, 1901-1944, page 1

Wondrous Power in the Beginning of this Movement, the Minneapolis Message, and the Remedy of Repentance (W. W. Prescott, GC Bulletin, 1901, pp. 321), page 2

1901 GC Session Presentations, page 2

Timeline: 1901-Death, page 6

William Warren Prescott and the Armadale Sermons

Vol. 10, No. 3 (PDF)

Part 1

The W. W. Prescott Armadale Sermons–“Manifest Demonstration of the Spirit” (Fred Bischoff), page 1

The Law in Christ; or, the Relation Between the Law and the Gospel (W. W. Prescott, The Bible Echo, April 20 to June 1, 1896), page 6

Vol. 10, No. 4 (PDF)

Part 2

The Law in Christ; or, the Relation Between the Law and the Gospel, Conclusion (W. W. Prescott, The Bible Echo, April 20 to June 1, 1896), page 1

Tie to Minneapolis, page 7

Year 2001

A Second Look at the Importance of the Adventist Pioneers

Vol. 11, No. 1 (PDF) (HTML)

Part 1 – Begins historical overview from 1831-1910

A Second Look at the Importance of the Adventist Pioneers (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Editor’s Note (Fred Bischoff), page 2

Three Interwoven Threads, page 3

Vol. 11, No. 2 (PDF) (HTML)

Part 2

A Second Look at the Importance of the Adventist Pioneers, Part 2 (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Metaphors of Great Significance, page 3

Vol. 11, No. 3 (PDF)

Part 3

A Second Look at the Importance of the Adventist Pioneers, Part 3 (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Number of EGW Letters and Manuscripts Combined by Year, Insert: Vol. 11, No. 3 Insert of Graph of EGW Letters and Manuscripts (PDF)

Reaffirm! Reprint! Retell!

Vol. 11, No. 4 (PDF)

Part 1 – Begins extracts of 24 EGW documents calling for us to reaffirm the landmarks, reprint the pioneer writings, and retell the story of how God has led and His teachings in our past

A Second Look at the Importance of the Adventist Pioneers, Part 4 (Fred Bischoff), page 1

Reaffirm! Reprint! Retell! Key Extracts of 24 Documents; Counsels of 1896-1910 (Fred Bischoff, Compiler), page 3

Year 2002

Vol. 12, No. 1 (PDF)

Part 2

Reaffirm! Reprint! Retell! Key Extracts of 24 Documents; Counsels of 1896-1910, Part 2 (Fred Bischoff, Compiler), page 1

Vol. 12, No. 2 (PDF)

Part 3

Reaffirm! Reprint! Retell! Key Extracts of 24 Documents; Counsels of 1896-1910, Part 3 (Fred Bischoff, Compiler), page 1

Note: For some years we published a revised version of the “Brief Timeline 1831 to 1910”, found on pages 7 and 8 of this issue. In fact the timeline went through several revisions, with documenting notes enlarging in a separate file. As of October 2016, these two files were superseded by a handout done for the Adventist History classes of the ARISE training program. This new file itself continues to be revised as pertinent content is found, especially for its timeline. The document has the title “Adventist History” and is presently 23 pages.

Updated 17 February 2017