The Lord's work is advancing
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Now is the time to support ministries which God is using to finish His work.
“The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.”

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Republishing the SDA Pioneers
Adventist Pioneer Library
The Adventist Pioneer Library is republishing the writings of the SDA pioneers in multiple languages and in various formats. The following counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy has been a key factor in establishing APL’s goals:
“Elder Loughborough’s book should receive attention. Our leading men should see what can be done for the circulation of this book” (Ellen G. White, Letter 105, 1903).

Herghelia Lifestyle Center
Health Institution
Over 10,000 health guests have taken advantage of Herghelia’s rehabilitation services for today’s chronic diseases and health habits. Herghelia doctors, nurses and therapists provide their guests state-of-the-art medical treatment while maintaining a Christian spirit and atmosphere.
Ellen White Audio
Ellen White Audio focuses on narrating the writings of Ellen White and other SDA pioneers and distributing these narrations in multiple languages, all for free.

Fourth Angel/RLR Publishers
Righteousness by Faith and Religious Liberty
Committed to republishing the message of righteousness by faith and of religious liberty.
Fourth Angel Music Ministry
Draw Me Nearer music CD
Uplifting Christian music.

Eden Health Center
Helping people in the Czech Republic to achieve vibrant health
Eden Health Center is based in the Czech Republic and it helps people recover their health using the 8 natural remedies program.
Helping people in Moldova to achieve vibrant health
Speranța Lifestyle Center is based in Moldova. Its program is designed to help prevent and revert chronic diseases by natural means, such as nutrition, excercise, water, sun, air, rest, and trust in God.