Ellen White requested that the pioneers be republished

"We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history."
Life Sketches, p. 196
"The record of the experience through which the people of God passed in the early history of our work must be republished."
Letter 105, 1903
"The experience of William Miller and his associates, of Captain Joseph Bates, and of other pioneers in the advent message, should be kept before our people."
Letter 105, 1903
"Elder Loughborough's book should receive attention. Our leading men should see what can be done for the circulation of this book."
Letter 105, 1903
"Let the aged men who were pioneers in our work speak plainly."
Manuscript 62, 1905
"Let those who are dead speak ... by reprinting their articles."
Manuscript 62, 1905
"Make prominent the testimony of some of the old workers who are now dead."
Letter 99, 1905
"These articles should now be reprinted, that there may be a living voice from the Lord's witnesses."
Letter 99, 1905
"The history of the early experiences in the message will be a power to withstand the masterly ingenuity of Satan's deceptions."
Letter 99, 1905
"Gather up the rays of divine light that God has given as He led His people on step by step in the way of truth."
Manuscript 62, 1905
"Rehearse the experience of the men who acted a part in the establishment of our work in the beginning."
Manuscript 129, 1905
"Repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work."
Review and Herald, May 25, 1905
"The standard-bearers who have fallen in death, are to speak through the reprinting of their writings ... to bear their testimony as to what constitutes truth for this time."
Counsels to Writers and Editors, p. 32
Endorsements of Church Leaders
Regarding Words of the Adventist Pioneers 2008 CD-ROM [Third Edition]
I have been looking forward to the new Words of the Adventist Pioneers collection, and my expectations have not been disappointed. What an invaluable resource for studying the heritage of our church!
Tim Poirier, Vice Director, Ellen G. White Estate.
Regarding Words of the Pioneers, [Second Edition]
The service that you and the others associated with the Adventist Pioneer Library project are providing our church is incalculable. To think about so many of the early publications of our pioneers being available on one small disc would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. I spent years collecting shelves full of books in the Heritage Room at Loma Linda University just to equal what is on this one CD-ROM. And now anyone can have access to the same information, and be able to research it in a fraction of the time it would take to look the same thing up in all those original volumes. As I said, the service that you and the others working with you are providing the church can’t be easily expressed in words. May God continue to bless you and the others in your very specialized ministry is my prayer.
James R. Nix, Vice Director, Ellen G. White Estate
[Current position: Secretary, Ellen G. White Estate]
An excellent complement to the Ellen G. White material… In my opinion, one of the most interesting items in the collection is the complete text of the first thirteen years of the Review and Herald, extending to the year the General Conference was organized… This is an important resource at a reasonable price.
William Fagal, Editor, Adventist Affirm
[Currently position: Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate]
Regarding Words of the Pioneers, [First Edition]
Thank you so much for the copy of “Words of the Pioneers”. I know that this disk will make a significant and positive contribution to the access of Adventist materials.
Merlin Burt, Director, White Estate Branch Office, Loma Linda University
[Current position: Director, Center for Adventist Research, Andrews University]
Regarding the Work of the Adventist Pioneer Library
Because “remembering” is essential to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the words and works of the Advent-movement pioneers need to be given prominence. We are pleased with the skillful, professional efforts put forth to accomplish this, by the Pioneer Library officers and staff. Through books, periodicals, and CD-ROM, the messages of the pioneers are being heard, and their influence felt. We trust that the work of the Adventist Pioneer Library will increase and strengthen as earth’s final crisis approaches.
Kenneth Wood, Former President, Ellen G. White Estate
For years I have been impressed with the attempts of the Adventist Pioneer Library committee. Making available to the general membership instant access to early publications of our church is invaluable for study and research. We have been told that the writings of the pioneers should testify to future generations how the truth was established among us. In the past people could study these pioneer sources only in two or three places in the world. Now they are available to anyone who desire them. It is my earnest hope that the Lord will impress prospective donors to generously support this vital work of making available to our members world-wide the complete witness of the pioneers. We should not rest until this goal is obtained.
P. Gerard Damsteegt, Associate Professor of Church History,
Andrews University
SDA Theological Seminary
This is practical material which needs wide exposure. The confidence these resources will give about the Lord’s leading in our denomination’s history will encourage members everywhere to face the future in assurance and hope.
James A. Cress, Former Ministerial Association Secretary,
General Conference of SDA (deceased)
Users Responses to the Resources of APL
(updated 4 December 2016)
This document has comments from individuals who have benefited from our work and resources. You will find feedback on the following:
- the general work of the Adventist Pioneer Library
- the Adventist Pioneer Library web site
- the book The Great Second Advent Movement
- the digital collections with their apps, like Words of the Pioneers (first two CD-ROMs published), and Words of the Adventist Pioneers (third collection as part of the Ellen G. White Comprehensive Research Edition CD-ROM), and Adventist Pioneer Library collections in the new online, desktop, and mobile apps
- the periodical Lest We Forget
Regarding the work of the Adventist Pioneer Library
Comment | Location | Date |
God bless you for your ministry. It has helped me tremendously. Thank you much. | Zanesville, OH, USA | 16 Mar 2011 |
I was very please to discover the library of the pioneers. I think this is not the doing of any man but our Lord Himself. Please, I’m pleading with anyone who participated in setting up the library, to keep it; don’t look back for there no more time to delay. The Lord is on His way coming to take His captives home from this chaotic world. May our Lord Jesus Christ give us the willing heart, energy, strength and zeal for His work. | UK | 12 Jan 2011 |
I thank the Lord our God for your inspiring messages. What you are doing is a very great task which requires earnest prayers from all God fearing people. May God continue to guide and continue blessing you so that through your works many may be saved. | Zambia | 21 Mar 2002 |
I joined the church Dec. 08, 2001. As a very new member and avid historian I feel your site and information should be studied by more church members. I will be ordering your CD-ROM as soon as I can afford to do so. Thanks for providing such needed information on our church, lest we forget that what we are is because of what we were. | Princess Anne, MD, USA | 5 Feb 2002 |
Praise God! This is a great work that you are doing. So many baptisms, and the people are clueless about the history of our movement, our rich heritage and the guidance of God from the outset. Most ministers are not teaching it. We are moving away from the old landmarks and losing our identity as a people. God bless you! | Brooklyn, NY, USA | 19 Jan 2002 |
Thanks for the work that you have undertaken which should of infinite reward to both you and the readers. | Nairobi, Kenya | 17 Jul 2001 |
I’ve recently read your Newsletter, April 2000. Your are really making a very good and much appreciated contribution and service for our church…. Please, I want more information about your project. Thank you. May our Lord richly bless you. | Argentina | 22 Jun 2000 |
I appreciate that you’re reprinting … church pioneer writings. | Deer Lodge, MT, USA | 24 Mar 2000 |
We greatly appreciate the work you are doing in making such vital resources available to the Adventist public…. | Lavoy, AB, Canada | 5 Oct 1999 |
You are doing a mighty work for the Lord! No doubt about it He is guiding you. | Australia | 10 Sep 1999 |
…May the Lord continue to bless your ministry! I don’t know of too many resources more valuable than the writings of those whom the Lord raised up to establish this remnant movement! | Columbus, OH, USA | 1 Sep 1999 |
Regarding the Adventist Pioneer Library Web Site (www.APLib.org)
Comment | Location | Date |
I follow your website for quite a while. Praise the Lord and thank you for making that website. Pioneers’ writings are a real treasure for Gods’ last day people. Keep going! | Serbia | 15 Sep 2016 |
I found your web site as I was searching in the Internet. It gave me great joy to discover the type of material you have available. Although there is a problem, I do not know English. This is a great limitation. Could it be possible to transcribe such blessed and beautiful material into Spanish? We urgently need to understand the truth of 1888 and its implications connected with the Three Angels Message. | Argentina | 22 Jul 2005 |
Your pages on the SDA Pioneers were most valuable to me this week. | Florida, USA | 02 Jul 2005 |
Just a thank you for providing the short bios on Adventist Pioneers. We are thankful for this resource for our Pathfinder club. | Lewiston, ID, USA | 07 Mar 2004 |
I would just like to say that I have just briefly scanned the web site and it is definitely a God-send. This is what I have been looking for (a while now), the history, the truth, the information that we as the last (remnant church) need for this PARTICULAR time. To inform the sincere inquiring ones that this MOVEMENT WAS IN FACT A MOVEMENT based on biblical prophecy (DAN 8:12-14).… | London UK | 17 Dec 2002 |
I really appreciate your website on the SDA pioneers…. The material and service you present here is invaluable. | Huntsville, AL, USA | 21 Aug 2001 |
Praise the Lord for getting me to this site. Please send me all that you can on the pioneers!! | Bethlehem, GA, USA | 23 Jul 2000 |
My heart is too full – but I simply thank you for this resource that continues to reaffirm my recent commitment to go deeper and deeper into God and His mission for our lives as his people. It confirms the urgency and readiness of God to meet us at the moment we become ready in the soon-ending work of salvation. | Landover, MD, USA | 9 Apr 2000 |
I am currently working on a web page for Richland SDA in PA. I would like to link to your page. Thanks. | Richland, PA, USA | 21 Feb 2000 |
I just found your web site and browsed through some of it. Thanks so much…I plan to spend many hours here as I reveiw our past history. May the Lord bless you all in a special way! | Internet AOL | 23 Nov 1999 |
Each time we go to your web site, we feel blessed indeed. Thanks for your work of love. We learn how to love and respect our pioneers, and to be thankful and praise the Lord for such amazing love and kindness toward us. | Spain | 1 Oct 1999 |
What a thrill to find you!!! I am a youth leader for an SDA church in Miami, Fl. We are engaged in planning a special program for October 22nd., imagine then how helpful this site has been!! May God bless you while you continue preserving and sharing our tremendous heritage with others. I pray that we never forget where we come from so we never lose the path that lead us where we’re going to. | Miami, FL, USA | 13 Oct 1999 |
Regarding the book The Great Second Advent Movement
Comment | Location | Date |
What an awesome volume from J.N. Loughborough! This only increases my faith when I see how God raised our pioneers up from nothing to create the Remnant church! | Yucaipa, California, USA | 9 Sep 2009 |
The 2nd Advent book is tough reading but a … delight. I’ve dog -eared every page on which I find a jewel and the book is starting to look like the dog chewed on it ! Sadly, we have not only forgotten, but it’s my experience we haven’t learned it in the first place. | South Lebanon, Ohio, USA | 5 May 2000 |
This book gave me an insight in many things that are essential to understand Adventism and I am grateful for it. Thank you for your service…. I would like to order 60 The Great Second Advent Movement for Kenya and 10 for Austria. | Austria | 1 Jan 2000 |
Regarding the digital collections with their apps (starting with the CD-ROMs Words of the Pioneers and Words of the Adventist Pioneers now part of the Ellen G. White Writings Comprehensive Research Edition CD-ROM; latest apps described online at EGW Writings, like the EGW2 app for mobile platforms)
Comment | Location | Date |
Thanks again for your dedication in digitizing this excellent resource. I downloaded the new app on my laptop and can’t wait for the next version where we will be able to sync the handheld and laptop/desktop features and research. | College Place, WA, USA | 3 December 2016 |
I just wanted to let you know that I purchased your CD – Ellen White Comprehensive Research – this summer. I have only seen a fraction of what is there, but I am so impressed at the work that you folks have done in order to put this together. And what a price! One would have trouble buying one or two published works for that amount! THANK YOU!! | Chiloquin, OR, USA | 2 Nov 2009 |
I just received your announcement of the WOAP and want to both thank you for it and to express my appreciation for the work you have been doing. I don’t comprehend how you have been able to produce this vast resource but while praising God for it I want to thank those who have worked so diligently to produce it. | Weimar, CA, USA | 10 May 2009 |
I am convinced that this is vital for us to know the platform of the lost truths the pioneers were guided to find again–the faith once delivered to the saints–on which we are to stand. I pray for this work. I am glad for the release of the 3rd edition. Praise be given to our Father and His Son for this amazing tool. | France | 19 Mar and 24 July 2009 |
I commend you on this project. It’s of tremendous value to those of us who want a full contextual flavor of the thinking processes of our early pioneers. It is important (no, critical) to be able to measure current author’s comments about past authors, against that original writer. You’ve put so much information in one place that the hours that I spend looking on-line for these resources, will be reduced significantly. | Sonora, CA, USA | 23 Apr 2008 |
I would like to thank you for the work you and your staff have done in placing these books on CD. It is the pieces that were missing in my Christian armor! I hope I can express to you how they have helped! It gave me an example of true Godly reasoning power of a type that is seldom seen! And much light that has been buried from view. | Selma, OR, USA | 4 Sep 2007 |
…Thank you for your unceasing efforts in publishing the long forgotten materials written by our pioneers. It has been already years ago, that I got my APL-CD-ROM (1st edition). I have mainly used it for researching, as I prefer to read printed editions, but without your work I would not have known of the existence of many books that were written. | Germany | 6 Jan 2006 |
Thank you very much for the good job you are doing. I am from Chile. I am a Ph D student in AIIAS (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies) in the Philippines. Your material has been very, very, very useful in my studies. Without this CD room I would not have been able to research some topics related to my main area. The material that you have made available to every one around the world is a real blessing. Thank you very much again. | Philippines | 15 Feb 2005 |
Just a few lines of appreciation for what you folks have done with the Pioneer writers of the Advent Movement. I very much appreciate the work done in the CD-Rom. I find it invaluable in my research into topics which I present in sermons and studies which I give. | Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada | 29 Sep 2004 |
I have appreciated the APL CD so much. Please contact me when you have a 3rd edition hot off the press. Thank you all so much for putting us in touch with the pioneers of the church. I have learned so much, and have a better understanding of some doctrines I personally had some problems understanding. Some of the pioneers have helped me a lot, just feel like I have studied with them. Sometimes between Sabbath School and church I introduce some of our pioneers and highlight some of their achievements. | Reedsville, PA, USA | 13 Nov 2000 |
Please keep up your work. The Words of the Pioneers CD-ROM is an invaluable tool in my study. | Midlothian, VA, USA | 24 Jul 1999 |
I have your CD and most of your Lest We Forget periodicals. I am very happy with the CD and spend many hours researching and printing off information for the church family…. I think the work you are doing is marvelous and wish you all the best in the future. | Australia | 12 Sep 1997 |
Regarding the Periodical Lest We Forget
Comment | Location | Date |
I have appreciated your efforts to help our people retain some knowledge of early Adventism at a time when there seems to be definite plans to wipe out all the wonderful things done for us through the pioneer’s response to the Holy Spirit…. God bless you all for you work…. | Heflin, AL, USA | 6 Jan 2004 |
How much I enjoy and appreciate your efforts to publish the issues regarding our SDA work and pioneers…. May God richly bless you all. | South Lancaster, MA, USA | 26 Jul 2002 |
Thank you for your missionary endeavors to get the words of our pioneers out to others. | Bakersfield, CA, USA | 6 Jun 2001 |
I have just finished reading the first seven volumes and as a relatively new Adventist (baptised in 1988 together with my wife), have thoroughly enjoyed reading them.So much that our pioneers did and went through for us and themselves. May God continue to bless the work that you and your team do for the benefit of us all. | New Zealand | 21 Apr 2001 |
Thank you so very much for the wonderful work you are doing for us. Every SDA should be getting Lest We Forget. What a treasure!! Thanks again. | Stockton, CA, USA | 22 Jul 1999 |
updated 4 December 2016